Scan nearly question

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Scan nearly question

Postby tpsusk » Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:12 pm

Thanks for a great DVB app.

I also use the older B2C2 drivers and have the issue with Diseqc switching so I've backed off to 87.b. I spend most of my time on news feeds and really enjoy the "scan nearly" ability in 87.b. Is "scan nearly" no longer an option with later versions (ie. 1.2) or possibly I missed it in the scan or config sections?

Thanks again.

I use an SS2 2.6c with 4.22 drivers.

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Postby rel » Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:02 am

Scan nearly is not implemented on new versions.

I think B2C2 tuners dont need "scan nearly" feature, do they ?

It was a feature mainly implemented for SS1 / Nexus in old versions.

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Postby tpsusk » Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:03 am

Thanks Relocation.

I know this sounds ugly, but this is how I use your program and why scan nearly works so well for me.
1. I use a Fortec Star NA to blind scan various satellites for news feeds.
2. I "upload" the channel data to my PC (it's actually downloading the data to the PC)
3. I use ChannelMaster to save the Fortec File to a easy to use format (ie. BlackBird).
4. I've written a program to take the saved data and convert it into standard .ini files (ie. frequencies, symbol rates, ect.)
5. I import the new .ini files into DVB Dream 87.b (ddimportini) and use the scan nearly function. THIS IS ACTUALLY THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION (sorry for being long winded) There is a difference in the tuners between my Fortec Star, Satwork, ect.. and my SkyStar2 - it's this difference where the frequencies are / can be off by varying degrees of Khz and the scan nearly really helps.

In case you're interested, I actually go through one more step that has nothing to do with my question but I'll mention it.
6. I've written a program that uses the B2C2 calls to control the tuner and drive the motor (I use Mibi's registry information for sat. positioning). This program uses your Access database for channel information to scan the channels for a lock over multiple satellites. If I find a lock, I update your channel with a prefix (usually a "+" character). This way, with your sort options, I'm able to quickly look through my favorite satellites and see which channels have been recently active - since my scan program was run. This saves a lot of manual time since checking for a signal lock by hand takes about 5+ seconds per channel (if there is no lock).

I see that you've provided a format for the new database (in your SDK) so I'll probably update my scanning program to do the prefix updating with this new DVB Dream version. I can also incorporate a "scan nearly" function as part of my scanning program but was just hoping it was still in DVB Dream because it always worked flawlessly for me. My other satellite box tuners we never off by more than about 1500Khz from the SS2.

Thanks again for a great application....
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Postby Rockin' Rick » Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:21 pm

Actually many DVB stand alone boxes have an issue with reporting the tuned frequency and/or symbol rate incorrectly.
Sti5518 and similar processors are used in a great number of models, they frequently misreport the symbol rate. Some demodulator chips do the same.
Plus the LNB may not, a likely isn't, perfectly accurate either.

Blind scan in DD ? hint hint.
(just yanking your chain Rel) :)
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Postby rel » Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:20 pm

ok, I think I can try to re-implement "scan-nearly" feature in v1.3
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it
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Postby tpsusk » Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:06 am

Thanks Relocation, that would be fantastic. I've mentioned your program and this feature to others when they share frequencies and invariably someone says "I don't get any signal". Those that are able to try DvbDream see the benefit.

Thanks again.
SS2 2.6c Skynet 4.2

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