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Scheduled recording tasks are deleted and not run in Win11

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:31 am
by Andrew Wood
Having trouble with Windows 11 - recordings set via the Scheduler are deleted at run time without starting DVBDream.

Going into Windows Task Scheduler and enabling history, you can see the task gets registered okay, but then at run-time, it is triggered then deleted immediately.

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In the settings tab, it shows 'If the task is not scheduled to run again, delete it after [Immediately]'. If I turn that off, the task runs as normal.

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Re: Scheduled recording tasks are deleted and not run in Win11

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 5:18 am
by mirasek
I have the same problem. After change to Win 11 on two computers (2 licenses) Dvbdream stops scheduled recording. I tried with fresh installation v.371 and 372. It did not helped.