Lost Signal in DVB-S2

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Lost Signal in DVB-S2

Postby joaortnt » Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:38 pm

hi guys

i`ve found this bug on dvbdream

on the hd channels normally dvb-s2 i`ve been having some problems, knowing that there`s no problem with the discqc or lnb (i know because i`ve tested other boxes and some other programs), i turn on dvbdream and it runs ok it opens the channel without any problems and it as the quality that you can see on the printscreen, but after a few minutes the signal dissapear (connection lost, no image, no soud, no decode) , it just dissapear as you can see on the second printscreen



this only happens in the channels where the transponders are set on dvb-s2 as if i change it to dvb-s o dvbdream works alright. to solve the problem i have to restart the program. i have a skystar hd2 (DBA -S/-C/-T(dvb-s) version 1.0.8 of the autor scanman /interface 1.1.0) -> techinsat mantis DVBS BDA reciver

i hope you guys can help me with this.

best regards

Skystar 2; Skystar HD2 whith Astra, Eurobird,Hispasat, Hotbird
Windows XP
linux - Fedora

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