Digital TV Tuner DVB-S / S2 brand TVii

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Digital TV Tuner DVB-S / S2 brand TVii

Postby ribeironogueira13 » Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:01 pm

I'm not sure if the correct location would be this. In all cases it follows my doubt: I have a tuner like the one described above and I'm having a hard time configuring it to tune the channels. My difficulty is in Step 10 of the Guide:

"LNB/Transponders settings. You will see the settings for satellites and transponders.
1) Locate and click on the required satellite in the displayed list. Fill in the appropriate values ​​for the parameters "LOF1", "LFO2", "SW". Please read the LNB converter instructions that you use. If you use the universal (dual-band) "Ku LNBF" then the usual parameters are: LOF1 = 10600000, LOF2 = 9750000, SW = 11700000. If you use the "DiSEqC" or "motor" key then click the " DiSEqC "and choose the appropriate input port (see next figure). Do not forget to click the "Apply" button when you have finished configuring the satellite LNB parameters.

Well, my doubts are: where do I find a table containing the parameters LOF1, LOF2 and SW? And where could I find the LNB Converter instructions that I should use (in principle I have installed a "DirectTV" and a "SKY" antenna here at home). Only that it is being used by NET staff for your TV receiver. I do not know if they have changed the LNB (I guess it's that part that sits on the tip of the rod and points to the center of the mini-pizza antenna, right?)
Could anyone help me by pointing out some literature related to LNB, LOF1, LOF2 and SW? Where can I find a chart that shows me the parameters I should use.
Sorry for my pour English, but my native language is Brasilian Portuguese
Thank you in advance.

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