
New modules to be tested

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Postby X05 » Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:17 am

I have posted a test version of CHLedit.
Some options are disabled in this version.
Don't report bugs just comment on functionality.


The lock/unlock, set fav works for multiple channels.

Check the readme for newest information.
Please use on backup files only for time being.

Goto options (F12) to enable "colour lists"

I know find/audio editing not complete yet..

Last edited by X05 on Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Omicom DVB-S2
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Postby Dreamer » Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:08 pm

Thanks X05, few comments (oh, I thought it will be "few", but there are many comments there ;) ):

- request - Search (channel, frequency, or perhaps more advanced search) + shortcuts ctrl+f and f3 to find next

- quick favorites support and ability to move/copy channels between "old" favorites and quick favorites

- it looks sort feature is missing, ability to, e.g. when I click to "Favourite" - sort by favourite, also in menu, I think this is very imporatnt feature

- "send to favourites" doesn't work too, there is just "<clear>" there, it's also very important feature

- is there any auto-scroll feature? if so, it doesn't work good, it's scrolling even if I'm outside the window, or if I want to change tab, also sometimes I can't exit the channel list with the cursor

- ESC to exit - this feature is quite danger, there should be an option to disable it IMHO

- ESC to close would be useuful for "edit channel" dialog (but prev. option would be even more danger then, so that option is needed)

- perhaps "encrypted" column should be "more left" by default, it's quite important info

- at TV / Radio channel tabs, new column "sat. name" would be useful, perhaps also position in °, since "Sat" is not so clear

- standard black move toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts to move up/down - ctrl+up / ctrl+down

- another hotkey suggestion - enter to "edit channel" (same as double-click)

- "save chl as" - shortcut ctrl+shift+s

- "print" - ctrl+p

- F3 is not a standard hotkey for options, F12 is used for this often, F3 is "find next" hotkey

- what about the same copy channel info as in DD - both modes (short and long) - and also for more channels, it would be very useful, perhaps even configurable

- minor - locking - single menu item with checkbox

- colours - if I'd like to use dark colors as background - e.g. black for "normal channels", font is not visible, so ability to change font colour would be nice

- in channel properties dialog, (CA) for scrambled channels might be replaced with "$" or "($)" - this is used also in DD, if not, perhaps

I know - no bugs, but I can see just 10 of 17 sats at "All" tab, if I double click any of them, I can see the name and more info.

Thank you.

If anyone want to discuss any of my suggestion, please copy it and create a new topic here, it will be much clearer.

Edit: So sorting and moving is most important for me, even if sorting would be added, moving will be impossible, so I vote for moving.
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Postby archaeus » Sun Jan 07, 2007 9:07 pm

Well, Dreamer said it pretty much so about the functionality.
I have one suggestion to add: To make the columns' name clickable, in order to reorganize the rows in the list with just one or two clicks. This could be useful to select specific channels (by name or by frequency... etc) and edit them.

X05, I know you said not to report bugs, but I must report this one (just this one :)), which I think is important.

After opening a .chl file and selecting a satellite or a channel (depending on the tab), if I click and drag a row in the list, the mouse cursor/arrow gets stuck inside the list and I can't move it beyond it; and, if I press Esc or Alt+F4, nothing happens. So I have to kill the CHLEDIT.exe process in Windows Taskmanager.

That's it. :)

Thank you.
- 'DVB Dream' version 1.3c
- DVB card: Technisat Skystar 2 ('B2C2 Direct' device) (driver version 4.4.0)
- Video card: nVidia GeForce 6200
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- O.S.: Microsoft Windows XP Professional with SP2
- Satellites: Astra 1 (19.2° E), Hotbird (13.0° E), Hispasat (30.0° W)
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Postby BxS » Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:26 pm

Hi, X05

A new piece of soft, nice :)

I will say what I think about using t.

When I started it 1st time I got a dialog:

"Settings File Corrupt Using Default.
This Is Normal When Application Frist Run.

See Help->Contents for information!"

I'm a little surprised with this message, I think that for example if the file "settings.dat" exist, but are damaged a dialog with "Settings File Corrupt Using Default.", if the file don't exist, just "Application Frist Run. Enjoy!" and of course "Welcome to the best Channel Editor in the Terra and Mars" :wink:

One of the first think to do almost always is to open a CHL, but every time I press Open CHL appear an open file dialog box, that are always in the C:\, for me that have the CHL file at d:\aaa\vvvv\hhh\DD13c this is not practical, if you put it remembering the last directory it will be much easier to me.

In the "All" tab only the 1st list are filed, in the statusbar appear the tip to double click, I double click in the sats but don't happen anything.

In "Satellite" double clicking in a Sat apear a dialog to configure the sat, the first thing that I see when looking at it is that the Degrees trackbar (apart the fact that most times are not in correct position) seems so alone ;-) a edit box that show the degrees and you can also edit to put the angle would be a good addition.

In "Transponder" tab the list is empty, I don't know if this is normal for now or not

In the last 2 tab channels I like what I see, but it need a way to short the channels by parameters, finalize the edit channel box should probably be the most important for now and then the Send To Favourites, at least for me :-)

This are my 1st impressions.

X05 Continue in the right path :)
Last edited by BxS on Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby X05 » Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:21 pm


Set CA on/off

- it looks sort feature is missing, ability to, e.g. when I click to "Favourite" - sort by favourite, also in menu, I think this is very imporatnt feature
- "send to favourites" doesn't work too, there is just "<clear>" there, it's also very important feature
- perhaps "encrypted" column should be "more left" by default, it's quite important info
- "save chl as" - shortcut ctrl+shift+s (WORKS BUT NO MENU NAME)
- F3 is not a standard hotkey for options, F12 is used for this often, F3 is "find next" hotkey
- colours - if I'd like to use dark colors as background - e.g. black for "normal channels", font is not visible, so ability to change font colour would be nice
- at TV / Radio channel tabs, new column "sat. name" would be useful, perhaps also position in °, since "Sat" is not so clear
- in channel properties dialog, (CA) for scrambled channels might be replaced with "$" or "($)" - this is used also in DD, if not, perhaps
o lock bug

- request - Search (channel, frequency, or perhaps more advanced search) + shortcuts ctrl+f and f3 to find next
- is there any auto-scroll feature? if so, it doesn't work good, it's scrolling even if I'm outside the window, or if I want to change tab, also sometimes I can't exit the channel list with the cursor
- quick favorites support and ability to move/copy channels between "old" favorites and quick favorites
- ESC to exit - this feature is quite danger, there should be an option to disable it IMHO
- ESC to close would be useuful for "edit channel" dialog (but prev. option would be even more danger then, so that option is needed)
- "print" - ctrl+p
- what about the same copy channel info as in DD - both modes (short and long) - and also for more channels, it would be very useful, perhaps even configurable
- standard black move toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts to move up/down - ctrl+up / ctrl+down
- another hotkey suggestion - enter to "edit channel" (same as double-click)
O Sort order in list
O remember dir
O display/edit traponder .ini files

MORE INFO : Checkbox in display line?
- minor - locking - single menu item with checkbox

BXS : CHLedit based on editor I made 3 years ago for an STB.
Still have some old code to remove. :0

I need some help with how ALL/channel on satellite should be viewed and how the search will work. Old editor had plugin system for little tasks. (i.e. delete scrambled, delete c band etc)
I could use plugin again but it would be seperate window and maybe not as good.

Just fixed the favs, chl lock :)
Last edited by X05 on Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby linuxman » Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:41 pm

Hi All,

New to the forum and DD, but love the program, and am excited about the list editor.

I just got a copy and I voted to concentrat on the import/export feature.
Other features/requests.
-The ability to add a new channel/TP from scratch with PID's input manually. I think that is a very important feature.

TechniSat SkyStar 2 Rev. 2.6d with DvbDream on a 10' BUD for C-Band HD 4:2:2 Movies slaved to a Pansat 3500SD on an older P4 3.0Ghz with 533Mhz FSB and Nvidia GeForce4 TI 4200 w/128Mb RAM on Windows XP Pro.
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Postby Dreamer » Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:07 pm

Thanks X05, good work, more suggestions:

- possibility to manually move any column (drag&drop) left/right
- save column width/position and sorting
- thanks for font colour, but it's not clear (for normal users) what is font and what background, perhapr it could be splitted
- it looks colours doesn't work at all, except font at All tab
- minor - Sr should be SR since there are two words IMO
MORE INFO : Checkbox in display line?
- minor - locking - single menu item with checkbox
I mean a checkbox for enabled (locked and also encrypted) and no checkbox for disabled - for the context menu of a channel, e.g.:

[v] Locked / [ ] Locked
[v] Encrypted / [ ] Encrypted

...Instead of 2 submenu items, if possible, not very important, it would save one click ;)
I need some help with how ALL/channel on satellite should be viewed and how the search will work. Old editor had plugin system for little tasks. (i.e. delete scrambled, delete c band etc)
I could use plugin again but it would be seperate window and maybe not as good.
Do you mean order of columns, width...?

Search - perhaps just one line, like this:

Code: Select all

Search [ ] on [Astra 1... [v]* ] in [channels** [v] ] [Find] [Highlight***]
* - drop down menu with all satellites and item "All satelites"

** - drop down menu with items like channels, frequencies, vpid, adip...

*** - highlight or select the word(s) in list
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Postby Snuffer » Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:09 am

i missing a part for "feeds" i see radio, TV Transponder and Sat.

Still possible to make??
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Postby X05 » Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:58 pm

Few more fixed updated 14th Jan 07.
Snuffer I'll add feed next weekend. Send me some screen shots by email ok?

Audio editing needs a bit more work. Added new channel but not much use yet because can't edit audio.
Multiple channel delete seems ok.
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Postby Dreamer » Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:03 pm

Thanks X05, following bug has been fixed:

"I can see just 10 of 17 sats at "All" tab, if I double click any of them, I can see the name and more info."
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Postby linuxman » Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:20 pm

In addition to the Channel list editor's ability to create a new channel from scratch, I would like to see DD have the ability to display the new channel with just inputting the normal VPID, APID, and PCR. Perhaps the ability to simply scan in the new channel instead of scanning the whole transponder.

I have experimented with the Channel List editor, and was able to create 3 new channels for the CW on Galaxy 11 (3720H 26700, and after inputting the PIDs, still can't get them to come in. Just black screen and no sound.

I have read elsewhere on this forum that it is nescessary to have the SID/PMT to actually pull the channel in.
TechniSat SkyStar 2 Rev. 2.6d with DvbDream on a 10' BUD for C-Band HD 4:2:2 Movies slaved to a Pansat 3500SD on an older P4 3.0Ghz with 533Mhz FSB and Nvidia GeForce4 TI 4200 w/128Mb RAM on Windows XP Pro.
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Postby matters12 » Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:19 pm

Is there a manual for chl editor guys, how to add new channel for example?

Skystar2 Technisat 4.4.0
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Import Feature

Postby Zengrath » Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:13 pm

I'd be very interested in a feature that would allow the import of other channel list like from channel master.

Thanks for the program and keep up the great work :).

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