I have a TBS6983 Twin Tuner Sat Card and using DVBDream.
I am using a Titanium ASC 1 positioner and have a H to H mount on a 2.7mt Dish.
Sometimes when I Move the dish I get a no signal issue. Dish has moved but not locked signal or displaying image.
In device BDA TBS 6983 DVBS/S2 Tuner A is no longer highlighted, double click it, software ask do you wish to move dish , choose no Signal and video now appears. this is a repeatable solved using this proceedure.
Sometimes DVBDream locks up if you go to a satellite that has no signal. it sticks "No Responce from Program" then fails. this has been an ongoing issue from very early release to current version.
On occasions the saved satellite Positions no longer work even though you get a message saying the dish has moved. you have to clear/ and resave the postion to get it to work again.
I am using Windows 10.
If the developers want to see the issue first hand PM me and I can give them Teamviewer access.
DVB lockup when moving dish with positioner
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