- It supports level 1 and 1.5.
- level 1 (G0 Primary Sets and Latin National Option Sub-sets),
Level 1.5 (G2 Supplementary Sets).
- Unicode is supported, including continues characters(Arabic for example)for both of win9x and wint.
- Save all teletext pages in memory for fast navigation.
- Can save current page as bmp and or Unicode text.
- Can use any font as long as it supports the desired language(Unicode) and or teletext fonts.
- Can set time via teletext.

Golden-Teletext 1.46
What is new?
-Add auto detect language function, detected or manually selected language will be indicated;
-Add 7 national options, default is the 1st one of each, can be edited through tray icon menu.
-National options selection will be indicated and saved.
-Add new mouse control (auto hide), point mouse courser to top ... .
-Add option to clear teletext memory when channel is changed, see GoldenTTX.ini;
-Default is disabled "Refreshteletext=0";
*clear teletext is not recommended to use with old PCs as it takes long time at first channel change.
- Add some options for Arabic language.
-Some Fixes and improvements to subtitle decoder and subtitle display.
-Fixed delete expired subtitle rows using erase page not using Update
-Fixed 1st character of each row.
-Default subtitle page will be 777 at start up & at channel change.
-Detected language of selected subtitle page will be assigned for the whole teletext pages as long as subtitle is enabled.
-Enable and disable subtitle will be indicated.
-subtitle display will be updated every 75 ml sec,
-subtitle buffer will be updated immediately.
* Please delete old GoldenTTX.ini
Subtitle now is reliable.
Discover and enjoy.
National option for auto language detection:-
Option 1:-
0 :English ;1 : Polish ;2 :Serbian/Croatian (Cyrillic).
Option 2:-
0 :Swedish/Finnish/Hungarian ;1 :Estonian.
Option 3:-
0 :Italian ;1 :Lettish/Lithuanian.
Option 4:-
0 :French ;1 :Russian/Bulgarian (Cyrillic).
Option 5:-
0 :Spanish/Portuguese; 1 :Serbian/Croatian/Slovenian; 2 :Ukrainian (Cyrillic); 3 :Hebrew.
Option 6:-
0 :Czech/Slovak; 1:Turkish.
Option 7:-
0 :Greek; 1 :Rumanian; 3 :Arabic/Persian/Urdu.
Options for Arabic:-
ARA_WIN7 0: for winxp; 1: for win7.
ARA2_WIN7 & ARA3_WIN7 0: Arabic; 1: Persian.
It can be used with any application supports MultiDec API
Tested with DvbDream 1.4
How to use?
Just copy GoldenTTX.dll to Plugins folder.......
You can use the following keys for teletext navigation:-
"up" and "down" arrow keys for page+ and page- respectively.
"Right" and "left" arrow keys for sub page+ and sub page- respectively.
"page Up" step forward by 10 pages, "page Down" step backward by 10 pages.
"Home" go to page 100.
"F' toggle fullscreen.
"Backspace" Recall prvious page.
"Esc" Exit Full screen.
Mouse actions:-
"D-click" to toggle fullscreen.
"R-click" to select language, font and save current page as BMP or unicode text.
"R-click" to Set time via teletext.
"Click" any 3 digits to switch to that page number.
"R-click" then select "Show mouse control" to perform Page+, Sub Page+, ...etc by mouse
- Use tray icon to enable/disable subitles, select subtitle page/font.
To use DDE server:-
It can be used with 2 methods
To get the whole page:-
XXX page number, 3 digits from 100 to 899
xx sub page number, 2 digits from 01 to 99
To get a row or part of row:-
XXX 3 digits from 100 to 899
xx sub page number, 2 digits from 01 to 99
RR Row number, 2 digits from 01 to 24
CC Start column, 2 digits from 01 to 40
II Count of characters to be copied starting with CC
Examples for how to use with Microsoft Excel:-
Get all contents of page number 100, sub page number 1
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
tarek dahb