Would you want a new DVB Dream for Win10/64bit & tablets/phones

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Would you want a new DVB Dream for Win10/64bit & tablets/phones

Postby rel » Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:23 am

Hi guys, you know the technology and media environment is changing exponentially. Things go internet / online / cloud mostly. I just want to discuss with you.

What kind of TV or media applications in near future (upcoming 5-10 years) would people like to see/use? :?

I have been thinking of creating a new 64 bit only / Windows 10 TV app with a different licensing (maybe yearly for a very small amount, simply otherwise it is not feasable for me to code for life-time licenses) but not sure about that since things go cloud. Do you think that people would keep watching TV over their computers in near future? Maybe I could go streaming way. Buy supporting tablets & phones to watch TV from a Windows TV server setup at home. I am not sure that one would like to keep a computer on just to watch TV on tablet/phone. Or leaving this aside, what kind of media application would you like to have in near future to use everyday?
DVB Dream - because I have to dream about having time to code it

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