Global keyboard shortcuts settings not work in Dvb Dream v3.0. I tested any other programs with HotkeyP v4.8.3. Works fine other programs.
Custom keyboard shortcuts:
Not implemented yet, but you can use HotkeyP (freeware) as workaround. Read HotkeyP Help for more information.
Guide - how to make new commands in HotkeyP for DVB Dream:
1. Go to menu > Hotkey > and select Insert new.
2. Press a new key / shortcut, e.g. R
3. In Command field type Keys to active window, or choose it from [<] button menu.
4. In Parameters field type \f4 dvbdream.exe&(Tfmain|ftvwindow|fvideo|TfPIP)
5. Press Enter or use OK button to confirm.
6. For additional commands go to menu > Hotkey > select Duplicate and repeat steps 2 - 5, just change a hotkey - R and action - \f4, more in DVB Dream menu, Help and HotkeyP Help.
Global keyboard shortcuts:
Not implemented yet, but you can use HotkeyP (freeware) as workaround. Read HotkeyP Help for more information.
Guide - how to make new commands in HotkeyP for DVB Dream:
1. Go to menu > Hotkey > and select Insert new.
2. Press a new shortcut, e.g. Ctrl+Shift+R
3. In Command field type Send keys to window, or choose it from [<] button menu.
4. In Parameters field type \f4 dvbdream.exe
5. Press Enter or use OK button to confirm.
6. For additional commands go to menu > Hotkey > select Duplicate and repeat steps 2 - 5, just change a hotkey - Ctrl+Shift+R and action - \f4, more in DVB Dream menu, Help and HotkeyP Help.
Remote control:
- Installation for SkyStar2, AirStar & Cable Star
- Please download WinLIRC setup package first (from DVB Dream Homepage)
- When installation is completed, double click on the WinLIRC icon at tray
- Click on "Reconfigure" button to see Configuration dialog
- Click on "Browse button" to specify B2C2 remote configuration file
- Select b2c2.def (c:\dvbdream\winlirc\b2c2.cf) and click on OK
- Start Dvb Dream and open Remote options
- (Main Menu->Options->Remote->Options)
- Then select "WinLIRC" as remote type and close the window
- Now you are ready to use your B2C2 remote in DD !
Another way is to use HotkeyP (freeware) and WinLIRC (freeware) and supported remote control. It is possible to make an action to start DVB Dream in this way. Read HotkeyP and WinLIRC Help for more information.
Guide - how to make new commands in HotkeyP for DVB Dream:
1. Download, install, run and set up WinLIRC.
2. In HotkeyP, go to menu > Window > select Options, Remote tab and enable and set up WinLIRC.
3. Go to menu > Hotkey > and select Insert new.
4. Press a new button, e.g. Record
5. In Command field type Send keys to window, or choose it from [<] button menu.
6. In Parameters field type \f4 dvbdream.exe
7. Press Enter or use OK button to confirm.
8. For additional commands go to menu > Hotkey > select Duplicate and repeat steps 4 - 7, just change a hotkey/button - Record and action - \f4, more in DVB Dream menu, Help, HotkeyP Help and WinLIRC Help.
- Global keyboard shortcuts will work also if DVB Dream window is not active!
- You can use also keyboard shortcuts or buttons to Insert new commands, Duplicate, Edit or Delete (not all buttons are enabled by default) in HotkeyP.
- If you have any problem or question, ask here, but please read HotkeyP (and WinLIRC) Help first.